Or, contact Nokia Customer Care at 1-800 24-NOKIA
Alternate format user guides
This user guide is also available in Braille, large print, audiocassette, and
on disk in a format that can be read by a screen reader.
To request a User Guide in any of these formats, call Nokia Customer Care
at (888) 665-4228. TTY/TDD users can contact Nokia at (800) 246-6542.

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LPS-1 Mobile Inductive Loopset
The LPS-1 loopset gives hearing-impaired users access to digital telephony.
People using a T-coil equipped hearing aid can make and receive calls
without noise interference.
The LPS-1 transmits sound to any hearing aid
equipped with a T-coil. The sound from the phone
is amplified and background noise is eliminated.
Wear it around your neck, connect it to your
phone, and speak directly toward the microphone
on the loopset.
For more details, refer to the booklet that comes
with the LPS-1.
Note: The Loopset can be purchased
separately as an accessory.
Other accessibility features
Besides an intuitive interface and TTY/TDD capabilities, other accessibility
features of the Nokia 6340 include:
A nib, or raised dot on top of the five key for keypad reference
Tactile feedback whenever you press a key
The ability to send and receive short messages
1-touch dialing
The ability to amplify higher frequencies using the equalizer function
Caller groups to aid in caller identification
Note: For instructions on setting up accessory profiles, and connecting
and using a TTY/TDD device, see “Accessibility options” on page 61.

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Review the basics